The pox
has been visited upon us – two of the three children have spent the
past week feverishly complaining and scratching at blistering spots
and resemble something out of a Hogarth sketch depicting the perils
of gin.
remember, your mother deliberately did this to you,' Gully told Zena
as she wriggled with discomfort and sobbed with the pain of a
virulent headache. There was some truth in this. While at my sister's
house on Christmas day another family due to spend the day there had
telephoned to say they had awoken with chicken pox and
would I prefer it if they delayed their arrival until after we had
up with mulled wine and Budweiser, I airily instructed them to come
as planned. As it was, we spent all of 20 minutes together in the
same house so one has to say 'respect' to the varicella-zoster
– now that's survival.
what seemed like a good plan in the warmth and alcoholic glow of
Christmas lost something in practice. I have long worried about
coping with illness in the caravan – by which I mean
run-of-the-mill illnesses – clearly having a coronary or
contracting Chrohn's disease would render living in a caravan the
least of one's problems.
of the list of Illnesses We Do Not Want is some sort of vomiting
bug. We once had the pleasure of three of these in two months and the
memory has stayed with me. Quite how we would cope with the norovirus
without a washing machine or taps or a flushing loo is an area of
speculation that I prefer to avoid.
in comparison, the fall out from chicken pox is much easier to deal
with, there are certainly elements missing from our lifestyle that
could have made it less uncomfortable. A soothing bath, for instance,
might have been helpful. And, if you're going to be holed up for days
on end (Brownies didn't want us and neither did our home ed group) a
comfy sofa and a few DVDs even more so.
they did very well. Two down – one to go – then not only can I
cross that off the childhood milestones, but add it to my mental
checklist of Adverse Conditions We Have Coped With.
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